It was a usual Monday morning. I
woke up early and got ready for the office. After heavy rains the sky was more
than clear. I left for office after I had a light breakfast. The roads were
almost clear because I got on my way a little earlier; with a margin of half an
hour. It was very strange at that time as I had a record of never going to
office in time.
Always late; I was missing that
feeling. I started feeling like a loser. It felt like someone else has taken
the lead. You have lost the game finally. But at the same time I was happy; happy
to enter into my office before the rest of my colleagues. I was excited to see
their expressions and reactions; comments, jokes along with their stupid
behaviours. It was my first job and third month in the company.
I drove all the way with a normal
speed watching all the billboards and stuff and when I took the turn into my
office lane; I was very obliged to see that there was not even a single
motorcycle. I was the first one to park my car anywhere I wanted to in the
parking lot. I came out laughing out of my car because of the office guard, he
was surprised and was jumping with excitement to see me real early. He commented
with a shout:
I winked to show him that today
things are not the way they were before. But, the office guard did not stop
there, along with jumping and commenting (shouting) and a little bit of dancing
he ran towards me, hugged me and sincerely showed how much he is happy for me. I
got an impression that the RD of the company is all the time discussing my late
comings with our office guard. And now the guard is free because at that day I
totally did not get late.
I started walking towards the
entrance door. The office neighbour’s guard was sitting in the office porch and
he paid his regards with a smile. I smiled back and increased my pace.
I punched in the arrival time
proudly and that was the moment when I realized about work load. The half of
the work load is all about punching in time, coming to office in time and never
to get late. I supposed for a moment what if there is no issue of late comings.
What if there is no objection of coming late to office like 5 to 10 minutes. I
realized only 1 thing; I can handle office work with a great healthy mind, a
peaceful mind, a mind with full of energy that can be utilized in so many
productive and fruitful ideas. Results will be more profitable. And most of all
the environment of the office will turn in to a mature one. How late anyone can
get from office? An hour? So what? There are late sittings and other stuff like
meeting with a client. It can never be a big deal until and unless someone has
made it one, a big hell out of a deal. And now only the positive ones are
I got rid of my thoughts the
moment my eyes dropped at the office lounge. There were sweepers and kitchen
boys cleaning all the mess from last night. They were completely busy with
their work. I called them with a big shout:
‘Hey Youngsters (the word I use
for the good hearts).’ Though they were and still are damn old except for the
kitchen boys.
‘Sir, Sir, Sir.’ They all stopped
their work and ran towards me with questions like:
‘So Early?’
‘So Early?’
‘So Early?’
‘Are we dreaming?’
‘Are you alright?’
I really regretted that I should
never have called them instead, I should have gone straight to my desk. It was
too late now. Plus it was kind of painful that moment, my 5 to 10 minutes late
comings were a great headache to everyone. On the other hand the reactions I was
experiencing step by step were also highlighting the fact that how much
everyone at office cares about me and my actions.
‘Tea will be ready in 1 minute,’ said
one of the kitchen boys.
‘Sure, get it real fast,’ I
replied with a smile.
I walked towards my desk and one
of the kitchen boys followed me. I got the reason of him following me when I
looked at my workstation. I turned around with a twisted face and the kitchen
boy replied:
‘Sir I will clean your desk and
everything around in 1 minute. You are in the office real early that’s why you
are facing this mess.’
‘I arrived in time, is that my
fault?’ I asked him while trying to be serious.
‘Haha….no sir please just give me
a minute.’
Office lounge was almost clean
now. I put my bag on my desk and went to wait in the lounge. Tea was served in
2 minutes. I gave all my time to the morning tea. Just went through the
newspapers, which are always boring. They were the same that day. Tea was done and
when I looked at the clock; it was more than 9:45 am. Nobody arrived but a few.
Not a single person from my team. Soon the clock was showing 10:15 am.. For a
moment, I started feeling that it was Sunday and not Monday. Around 10:30 am the RD arrived and
I caught him punching the check-in machine.
‘Hey you! An hour late?? How dare
you?’ (RD laughing at me).
‘Yeah, you can see me punching.’
I tried to smile but I couldn’t. I felt like everyone else can go the wrong way
except me.
No one was bothered for coming
late. This Monday was one of those Mondays in which anyone is allowed to get
lucky, regarding getting late. I just missed that opportunity. Client services
is one hell of a job. It is all about suffering, no matter what; for good and
there will be no justifications. My immediate boss was Mr. Mohsin, the client
services group head. My other team members included Natasha, Hafiz, Khalid and
Rasheed (4 designers); in copy Aaliya and Waqar (2 copywriters English &
Urdu); punched in the check-in machine right after the RD.
Yes, I was working in an
Advertising Agency.
‘I pity you,’ said Natasha.
‘There is always the first time,’
added Khalid.
‘Congrats bro! Don’t give up.’ was
Rasheed’s input.
‘Tch! tch! tch! tch!’ Aaliya went
‘Unlucky attempt,’ said Mohsin.
‘There was no need to come in
time,’ said Natasha.
‘Thank you very much guys,
anything in your mind Mr. Hafiz?’ Me dealing with the comments.
‘Next time please.........discuss
with me if you want to come in time,’ Hafiz trying to be funny with a serious
‘I will! Don’t worry,’ with a
forced smile I assured Hafiz.
‘Tell him the good news.’ Aaliya told
‘What good news?’
‘Oh yes, I forgot, today there is
no work. At all!’ Mohsin announced with excitement.
I wondered for a millisecond if
we all ever got work except for stupid phone calls from the clients, changes
they make trying to be innovative and then Mohsin and I dealing with our
beloved creative team that has habit of crying, all the time.
‘Cool. That’s it?’
‘We are going to watch a film!’
Natasha announced the plan and the rest of my team started looking at me to
watch my reaction.
‘See? There is always a reward
for the good things you do. You all should be thankful to me. I checked in time
today and here we go with the movie plan. Right?’ That was the moment when I
saw my team members mimicking my statement; I cashed the news instantly and got
so amused by taking all the credit.
‘Wrong, that was a stupid thing
you did today not the right thing,’ said Aaliya.
‘You will say that because you
did not get the credit,’ I said smilingly to Aaliya.
‘You always do the right thing at
the wrong time,’ rebutted Aaliya.
‘Yeah, he does that,’ agreed
‘That’s why we all are going to
watch a movie today. Let me arrange the tickets.’ I took out my cell phone
‘Tickets??’ Someone from my team
said the word tickets I really don’t remember.
‘Yeah, let me check what films
are scheduled,’ I dialed the number.
‘Hahaha!’ laughed everybody in
‘What?’ I cancelled the call.
‘Bro we will watch the film in
the office,’ Mohsin explained with a dual expression.
‘Boardroom?’ I was shocked.
‘Bro……’ said Mohsin again.
A bomb was dropped. The perception
of the whole plan was wiped off with the actual plan. How anyone can plan that?
At that time, I could not believe watching a movie on a 15” monitor screen with
my team members.
‘You see? He is never happy; no
matter what you do,’ That was Natasha complaining.
I thought for a second how they
can expect me to be happy with such a plan that is beneficial for only 1
person. I tried to observe the expressions of the others but I could not gauge
anything. It seemed they all were cool with that so called movie plan.
‘We can talk to the RD,’ I tried
to do something with this plan.
‘No no it’s not like that…..’
Mohsin said with hesitation.
‘Why not?’ There was something
that I didn’t know that moment.
‘We want to watch the film in the
office premises, are you in the plan?’ Aaliya asked firmly.
‘Sure I’m in, it’s just that I
can’t stop recalling the tagline of Mercedes,’ I accepted the fact not to
expect anything good from my team members.
‘The Best or Nothing???’ Aaliya.
‘Hahahaha……there you go.’
Everyone took the lead that
Monday by coming late. I never asked my team members why there was no work that
day. I was always least bothered about my clients. Mondays were always peaceful
ones. My phone did not ring that day, otherwise it used to blow off my mind. I
checked my phone with regular intervals and made sure it was not left switched off and it was not.
The problem was the film. What movie should we see?
‘Ice Age’
‘Finding Nemo’
‘Is this a cartoon plan?’ I
wanted to cry that very moment but I could not. I tried to hide my feelings, at
my very best.
‘These are animated films, not
cartoons,’ Natasha replied, almost fuming.
‘You can come up with your suggestions,’
added Aaliya.
‘Love Aaj Kal,’ I suggested in
‘NO!’ Natasha ordered.
‘Can you come up with any option
that is closer to our work along with entertainment?
The reason we want to
watch an animated film is that it’s good for all of us and especially for the
designers.’ Finally, Aaliya explained why they wanted to head with this cartoon
‘AVATAR!’ I shouted out loud.
‘It’s still in camera print’
Khalid announced and made me feel that they already reached there before me. So
please keep your suggestion to yourself.
‘It’s in cinemas these days. I
can arrange the tickets. We can get the afternoon show.’ I really wanted to do
something with this plan; But all in vain. Nobody responded and we all ended up watching
Kung Fu Panda.
Tea breaks, Prayers timings,
lunch break, everything went smoothly. Team members enjoyed the film. The whole
afternoon was spent discussing the film; also the workload of other teams in
the office. They were not having the same Monday. They got work. With regular
intervals they kept coming at our workstation with jokes and gossips. The other
teams also seemed a little unhappy at the luck our team got that Monday.
It was almost 6:00 pm when Mr.
Mohsin showed up with a dropped face.
‘Mr. Zaka is very furious. He is
asking for the dummy of diary/calendar. It will just take 30 to 40 minutes and
it will be ready by then. You might have to deliver the dummy at his place. He
lives near yours.’
Mr. Mohsin got married last month
and there was no way for him to stay and deliver that stupid diary/calendar
‘You don’t worry and go home.
I’ll see and make sure the dummy is there at Zaka’s place.’ I happily
cooperated with my immediate boss.
‘See? Please I want all of you to
learn from this energetic team member of ours; always there to contribute.’ Mr.
Mohsin got more than happy and also patted my shoulder in front of my other
team members.
Mr. Mohsin stayed with us for a
while. Aaliya and Natasha had a little chat with designers before starting off.
I asked the details of
diary/calendar and it seemed real simple.
‘The printouts of diary/calendar
will reach here in 15 to 20 minutes,’ Mr. Mohsin assured and left workstation
for a while. I guess he got to get his stuff to leave the office premises at
his earliest.
‘You should learn to say NO,’ said
‘He is a mental piece,’ added Natasha.
‘When anyone asks you to stay, always
make a way out to escape,’ suggested Aaliya.
When they all saw me taking these
advices as negative thinking, then guys (Designers) jumped in:
‘They are right, don’t smile at
us,’ said Hafiz.
‘First they will train you for
late sittings, then you will cry for a raise. You got to believe that they
aren’t going to give you any of that,’ Rasheed added with a serious face.
‘No, no let him try and
experience on his own. We should not be the ones fighting to convince him. Once
he sees true faces of everyone here, things will turn in the right direction
automatically. I pray you get free before your TAHAJJUD prayers, I believe you
do say them.’ Khalid got some tone.
‘Haha….I don’t think so. I
believe he’s going to say his Fajr Prayers in this very office. I’m sure,’ said
Aaliya smiling.
Right at that moment Mr. Mohsin
came in the room and asked me to take the number of the runner. I followed Mr.
Mohsin in the office lounge. He turned around and with a firm face he revealed
a fact:
‘The reason we did not go to the
cinema for any film are the ladies in our team. They did not want to go because
of the other designers.’
I got stoned for a moment. I felt
as if Mr. Mohsin had heard our
conversation inside the room somehow and here he was all geared up using his
‘I’m talking about the cartoon
plan.’ He tried to remind me by saying that.
‘I know.’ I tried to act normal.
‘Here is the number. The runner
will be here in a while with the printouts. If he does not reach just call him.’
Mr. Mohsin seemed quite confident.
I was about to turn around and
leave after taking the number of the runner when Mr. Mohsin called out again:
‘And listen…’
‘Don’t worry. If anything goes
wrong, call me,’ said with a smile.
‘Not really!’ The smile converted
into a grin.
I smiled back and went to my room
where all the other team members were waiting for me.
‘What did he say?’ That was
Aaliya. I could not believe her. I really wanted to ask her why she made such a
plan. But most of all how did she know and the rest of them; that Mr. Mohsin
said something.
‘He gave me the number of the
runner and told me that his help is always there for me.
‘And what?’ Aaliya was like real
worried. I could not believe all of them. How come they are so sure about
something else been said by Mr. Mohsin?
‘And he requested me not to call
him if anything goes wrong or not according to the plan,’ I replied with a
straight face.
‘I doubt it,’ reacted Natasha.
‘You are new here, you don’t get
yourself trapped,’ responded Aaliya.
‘Listen to me all of you. If you
all were so sincere with me then you all should have taught me before time to
take stands where I should. Now the damage has been done and you all are here
with objections and suggestions.’ That was my very first fight tone in the
office. It was basically because of the cartoon plan.
‘We did not know about it. Mohsin
told us after you agreed to cooperate.’ Natasha.
‘Well there is one word for it,
PRECAUTIONS. You should have measured them in time.’ After saying so, I walked
out towards the office lounge and dialed the runner’s number.
Later I went to say my Esha
Prayers and when I came back I found out that I’m the only one left from my
team. A person for the whole design department for cut and paste stuff was with
me to make the dummy of the diary/calendar. Slowly and steadily I started to
have a feeling of being fooled; the reason for such a feeling was runner. Who
did not happen to arrive at the expected time. I called him and he did not pick
up the phone. It was almost 7:45 pm. Nothing was going according to the plan. I
was waiting at the office gate for the runner after Esha Prayers. Since then, I
did not enter the main door of my office. The dummy maker was with me. I was
informed by him that everyone else has left.
‘Musharaf!’ That was Natasha and
that was a surprise for me. Musharaf was dummy maker’s name. She was calling
him from the main entrance.
‘You told me everyone else has
left.’ I asked Musharaf.
‘I checked inside and there was
nobody.’ Musharaf.
‘One should never trust your
statements.’ I said this to Musharaf and in return he tried to give me an
impression that he himself is surprised by the presence of Natasha.
‘How come you’re still here?’ I
asked her politely.
‘It is all because of your
cooperation.’ She replied very politely with extreme sarcasm. I simply smiled
‘Come Musharaf I need to explain
you the order of the diary/calendar.’ Natasha went on.
‘Aren’t we supposed to wait for
the printouts first?’ I asked her in a very normal tone.
‘I can’t wait for the printouts.
It will be 8:00 pm in a while and I need to go home. Sorry I’m unlike you. We
were supposed to wait for 30 to 60 minutes. I guess I have cooperated a lot
more than they asked me for.’ Her tone was conveying a message for me to take a
stand otherwise no way you are going to like it in the end.
She left with Musharaf towards
our workstation. I took out my cell phone and dialed runner’s number. This time
he picked up the phone:
‘Salam, is this aqeel?’
‘Sir Mr. Mohsin gave me your
number. You were supposed to drop the printouts of the diary/calendar. May I
know how much more time are you going to take to do the honours?’
‘Sir seems like you are new at
the job. Right now I’m waiting for my boss to approve the diary/calendar. When
he approves then I will take the printouts and when I take the printouts then I
will deliver it to you.’
‘Any idea how much time will be
spent till delivering the printouts?’
‘Late night.’
I could not reply to that. I
wanted to make a dummy of Mr. Mohsin. I wanted to beat him real hard. I
realized why Aaliya and Natasha were so concerned about this dummy plan. I
cancelled the call and dialed Mr. Mohsin’s number.
‘Sir the printouts still haven’t
arrived. Do you have any idea how long are they going to take? It’s almost 8:30
pm, if they don’t get here by 9, I will be heading home then.’
‘Did you call the runner?’
‘Sir, can you please call the
‘Okay, let me call you back in
Now something was going
somewhere. I decided to get in to the office premises through the main
entrance. There was no use waiting outside at the gate with the guard. When I
entered the main entrance of the office a lot people were still there,
especially from the media department, the kitchen boys and two to three people
from another team. Natasha was explaining everything to Musharaf and he was
nodding his head on every single instruction of hers.
‘You said the office is dead
alone, there are still a lot of people.’ I fumed at Musharaf.
‘Office is dead alone, except for
that lot of people. Haha…when I saw the office it was like that. I thought
everyone had left.’ Musharaf came up plain.
I did not have the experience of
working with Musharaf. That was the first time and I was hating it all.
Musharaf was the person who offered me food on my first working day. Now while
working with him, I could not believe he is the same person.
‘Okay I’m leaving now, I have
explained the order and sequence to Musharaf,’ said Natasha.
My phone started ringing when
Natasha told me that she is leaving by now. I looked at it and pressed the
accept button and asked Natasha to wait. Mr. Mohsin was on the other side.
‘Diary/calendar pages will be
approved in a while. Maximum 30 minutes, the runner will be there with the
‘Sir, how come this all will
happen in 30 minutes? The runner has to wait for the approval and that approval
time will surely take more time than 30 minutes. Then the runner will go to
take the prints and after taking so, there is quite a possibility that at that
time, I might be sleeping at my home.’
When Natasha heard this coming
from me she could not control and started jumping with happiness. I had to
control my laugh. Mr. Mohsin was still on the other side:
‘Ohh so you did talk to the
runner?’ Mr. Mohsin sounded so feminish. I felt like i'm talking to an aunty.
‘Whether I talked to the runner
or not, Mr. Mohsin you are supposed to come up straight and clear. You don’t
need to play games with me.’
‘Well I’m not playing any games,
the information I get I forward it to you.’
‘Well you should be sure about
what you forward. I will leave after 30 minutes for sure.’
‘You are like a little brother to
me, please cooperate. I’m sure you will receive the printouts in 30 minutes.’
‘Mr. Mohsin I won’t be able to
work like this if you keep misusing my faith and trust in you.’ (That I already
lost in him).
Mr. Mohsin tried to reply but I
cancelled the call. Natasha was so happy.
‘Very good, just go home after 30
minutes and don’t get yourself trapped. Now do what you have said. Otherwise
you will become a slave for life.’
Natasha said a lot more stuff
than that before she left. Musharaf was observing the whole conversation; I was
kind of relieved and I was damn sure the runner is never going to show up and I
will be heading home in a while.
‘Sir don’t listen to these pussy
cat dolls.’ Musharaf. I did not accept anything like that coming from him.
‘What are you trying to say?’ I
asked him in a very casual tone.
‘Sir they are always in a mood to
run away from work. They never want anyone else to be efficient. Otherwise RD
will throw them examples.’
I could not believe my ears.
Musharaf was also in the game.
‘How long have you been working
here?’ I asked Musharaf.
‘Sir 5 years.’ Musharaf smiling.
‘Well Musharaf, I believe they
are doing the right thing even if they are girls, work has some ethics.’
‘Sir, this is advertising. If
there is a task, you have to complete it no matter if it’s Sunday,’ explained Musharaf
with a serious face.
‘I don’t mind working on Sundays but
at least that work should have some weight. No? I mean, how come your very own
team leader is playing games and lying all the time,’ I pounced right back with
a serious face.
‘Lying is very important in our field;
you should start learning how to deal with it,’ Musharaf responded calmly.
‘At least not to your own team members; I don’t mind late sittings but I
should be informed with the correct information.’
‘Sir, these ladies are here today
and tomorrow they will be gone either in some other agency or they will get
married. And then you will be stuck all alone and on your own. I just want you
to be careful.’
‘Musharaf listen to me, I’m not
following these girls, and I just stick to the right thing. Tell me about the
other designers, I believe they are not ladies with short cut hair and a clean
shave. Don’t tell me they are; and the whole office knows except me.’ I started
getting angry at Musharaf.
‘Haha………no no sir, I just want
you not to become part of any politics. Just keep on working, do observe things
but don’t get involved. Right things will come your way with better packages.
Otherwise you will be in a state of war, cold war, and nobody is ever going to
accompany you in that. And the only reason for that will be the RIGHT thing you
always do.’
Musharaf was not at all sarcastic
in his tone. His point was valid. And now I started getting confused. I did not
reply him and started thinking what to and what not to do. Anyhow, I decided to
go home, and before I could stamp that decision my phone started ringing and on
the other side was RD:
‘Yes sir!’
‘Hey, how’s it going at the
office? Is this your first time? I mean late sitting.’
‘No, sir, this is the third time.
I mean the late sitting.’
‘Haha……good, then you must not be
‘I’m not. Sir, any news from the
‘Yeah, he’s gone crazy and he is
not listening. I tried to convince him but he says you already said it last
time so you had your chance and now do as I say.’
‘I remember those press ads, they
got delayed for 3 days.’
‘Yeah, can you do me a favour?’
‘Please stay in the office as
long the issue remains.’
‘I am in the office and I’ll
‘Thank You! I’m in a meeting
right now with the other client and I’ll give you a call when to leave, I
really need you. Thanks once again!’
‘No problem sir, I’m waiting.’
I put my phone on the table and
looked at Musharaf. RD talked so politely and positively. When you want
something, you get sweet and get it finally. But at that time, for a moment I
really thought this diary/calendar is really a big issue. That’s why now our RD
is involved.
‘Sir what happened?’ Musharaf
with his smiling face.
‘Nothing the RD called and he
asked me to stay. He said he will inform me when to leave. I don’t understand
why this diary/calendar is such a big issue. The job can be done and delivered
by tomorrow,’ I explained Musharaf with hopelessness.
‘Sir, you still don’t get it?’
Musharaf’s smiling again. This time it looked like his face would blast with
‘I’m sorry, what I didn’t get?’
Musharaf made me a little bit angry.
‘Sir what happened is Mr. Mohsin
called the RD and told him everything. And then RD decided to take over from
here and he easily convinced you to stay. Because they knew you will leave by
30 minutes. And now you won’t. So, they are at ease now. Here is a piece of advice;
if you really wanted to head home early, you should never ever have agreed to
cooperate in the very first place. Now since you have, you should make this
time enjoyable rather than getting frustrated about when you will leave for
home. I’m sorry you are stuck here.’
I could not believe Musharaf. He
unfolded the dark side. How can he be much smarter than me? I really did not
get that and now I did because he explained it to me. More experience I guess.
And sure he can be much smarter than me. He was and he still is.
It was like everyone is telling
you a lot of stuff. You just don’t get it properly whom to believe and who not
to? You can’t be sure of who really is honest.. How can everyone be on the right
side? There must be some problem. It felt like I’m in a big jigsaw game of
truth with a few people hiding behind the walls. Some coming up clean and
taking stands and the rest don’t have the courage.
Right at that moment my phone
started ringing showing Mr. Mohsin’s number. I wanted to smash my phone on the
‘Sir don’t pick up the phone, if
you are not in any mood of dealing with sarcasm. If it’s true don’t pick up the
Musharaf was continuously poking
his nose in every situation. Also he was quite right all this time. He read me
and he quickly decided to stop me. I was about to indulge myself in a fight
with Mr. Mohsin.
‘Let the phone ring for a while,
till then something will come up, and then you make the call go away silently,’
suggested Musharaf with a serious face.
I put my phone on my desk and
decided to go with Musharaf’s plan. I was feeling that he was guiding me to
deal with such situations. I forced myself to change my mood. It was almost
9:30 pm. And few people from the media department were left. As the office was
almost empty, Musharaf and I could hear their voices coming from the basement.
‘Sir, what is the scene for
dinner?’ That was the kitchen boy who all
of a sudden appeared in our room.
‘Dinner scene is on. How many are
we?’ My mood lightened up by the name of dinner.
‘Come to the finance department.’
The kitchen boy got happier than ever.
The kitchen boy left in hurry and
I was about to follow him when Musharaf called me:
‘Sir, SMS Mr. Mohsin that you are
having dinner. That’s it. I told you sir, something will come up.’ Musharaf
again with his smile.
Musharaf was teaching me, and he
was good at it. I took my cell phone and sent the respected text message to my
immediate boss. I was quite relieved when I noticed that I haven’t lost my cool
and things are moving on with a smarter pace. I put the cell phone in my
pocket, told Musharaf that I have sent that message to Mr. Mohsin and started
moving towards the Finance Department. Usually there are three people working
whenever I go, but this time there was only one and that one person was not
really a good one. It was never easy to convince this figure of finance to hand
over the money on office expense for the purpose of dinner.
‘Show me the approval.’
‘Get the approval first.’
‘The RD did not inform me.’
‘Well, not my fault.’
‘I told you earlier, I’m not the
authority over here.’
‘What I meant is when they will
ask me for proof, I won’t be able to provide them with one.’
‘These verbal orders and
communications become a hassle for us.’
Such comments and statements and
the behaviour; always ready to say no are the true qualities of Finance
Department. They never understand the urgency or the sensitivity of the matter.
All they know is how to counter the attack. And they are perfect in that. They
make you feel that they know nobody when it comes to money. Who are you? is the
question written in their eyes.
The kitchen boys, the media
department and later Musharaf entered the Finance Department. The clock was
about to strike 10:00 pm, everyone was hungry. The noise was unbearable in that
room. In the meanwhile my phone started ringing. It was showing the runners
number that I had not saved until then. It was an easy number. I went out of
Finance Department and picked up the phone.
‘Sir I got the approval and now
I’m heading towards the print shop.’
‘Do you think the print shop is
still open at this hour?’
‘Sir I have talked to the
printer. You just be patient, I will be there in a while.’
That time, I wanted to switch off
my phone, run home and go to sleep. I couldn’t. I turned around to enter the
Finance Department where I could hear some more noises by now. Musharaf ran towards
me the moment he saw me,
‘Sir just call our RD.’
I dialed RD’s number in front of
everyone, put the phone on speaker and then there was silence in the room.
‘Hello!’ That was RD’s voice over
the phone on speaker.
The moment our dear Finance Lad
heard the RD’s voice he whispered aggressively:
‘There was no need for this, I
was about to give you the money. Switch it off.’
It was too late to just cancel
the call.
‘Sir, I’m standing in the Finance
Department with Mr. Shakeel.’
‘Okay no problem tell him your
immediate boss Mr. Mohsin forgot to provide you with the approval and plus the
team had no idea that client will make the job go this late. You don’t worry
let me call Mr. Shakeel myself to hand you over some money.’
Mr. Shakeel kept giving me the
signals to cut it short with RD. Finally when I was done with RD Mr. Shakeel
‘There was no need to call RD.’ The
rest of the guys started laughing.
‘Mr. Shakeel if you had plans to
give us the money for dinner then why you were delaying the procedure. You have
wasted all of our time.’ I got kind of serious.
‘I’m all alone working here for
the whole day. And all of you show at the time of your need, take the money and
go away in a minute. I have the right to spend some time with all of you. And
for that I have to delay the procedure. I can’t stand it. I also have the
rights.’ Mr. Shakeel was more than angry when he explained his so called lonely
‘We don’t mind spending time with
you, why you never called us for some company?’ I was in shock because of Mr.
Shakeel’s explanation so I tried to counter his anger.
Right at that moment Mr.
Shakeel’s phone started ringing with some cheap Indian song. The lyrics were:
And due to that we all started
laughing once again and Mr. Shakeel somehow got normal and picked up the phone
said HELLO in a tone that was not at all angry. This whole scene made me and
some guys from the media run out of the Finance Department to laugh out loud.
The media guys were not introduced to me and this was my third month in the
agency. When we went back into the Finance Department after our laughter
session; Musharaf sped towards me.
‘Sir, I have an idea. It will
definitely benefit you in future.’
Mohsin, this is to inform you that the amount of dinner expense will be
deducted from your salary. The Finance Department has paid the bill for your
convenience, for future concern please get the approval in time, otherwise we won’t
be able to proceed with such favours.’

This was the text message sent to
Mr. Mohsin generated by Musharaf. The text message was sent through Mr.
Shakeel’s phone; and obviously with his permission. The moment Mr. Mohsin received
this message he started calling me.
‘Do not pick that phone up, you
see I just want to make you realize that if someone throws useless work upon
you to cater, do the work in a way that in future he/she should think 100 times
before throwing anything useless like this.’
Now that was the moment when I
was just nodding over Musharaf’s suggestions; Also, I was laughing to the
‘Why are you laughing?’ Musharaf
asked because he got the impression that I was laughing at him.
‘I’m not a very pious man but
still I do avoid backbiting. I try not to do it. But to explain you I have to
tell you that Mr. Mohsin seems a real miser human being. Though, I could be
wrong.’ I tried to control myself but couldn’t.
‘Good. I mean you have a sharp
observation. And that is real good. Use it a lot.’
We were having that conversation
in the office lawn when suddenly Finance Department’s door opened with a thud:
‘Oh damn you call RD, call the
head office, call the owner of the company; I’m never going to reverse my
decision. What do you think of yourself? You are nothing but one hell of a
That was the very first time I
shared a laughing session with Musharaf. Mr. Mohsin called Mr. Shakeel when I
did not pick up the phone on Musharaf’s advice.
‘I’m going to text Mr. Mohsin
now.’ I told Musharaf, in the meanwhile Mr. Shakeel started walking towards us
in the office lawn.
‘Show me the text before you send
it to Mr. Mohsin,’ Musharaf replied in a low tone.
‘How do you work with Mr. Mohsin?
Doesn’t he irritate you?’ Mr. Shakeel was still in anger.
I started creating a new text for
Mr. Mohsin and Musharaf catered Mr. Shakeel on my behalf. When I was done I
showed Musharaf the text message and tried to bring Mr. Shakeel some inner
trying to resolve the expense issue with Mr. Shakeel, what have you done?
Please don’t call me right now.’
Musharaf thumbed up the text
message there I pressed the send button.
‘Actually you are right Mr.
Shakeel, this is no way we should be dealing internally. The team should always
be supportive with each other. If I were at Mr. Mohsin’s place, I would have
let you deduct the expenses from my salary. Though, the scale is low but, rules
are rules.’
I was laughing in my heart and
was enjoying every bit of it. Mr. Shakeel prolonged the conversation and abused
Mr. Mohsin with a big heart. Real big heart. Those moments were hilarious. And
Mr. Shakeel’s anger was more entertaining than home right then; obviously not
for good, but I would never ever have noticed this side of Mr. Shakeel if this
assignment was not assigned to me by my so called immediate boss Mr. Mohsin.
I got the reply from Mr. Mohsin
and that was the moment where I cashed Mr. Mohsin’s reply.
‘You are absolutely right about
Mr. Mohsin. I was trying to make him realize what he has done; instead of
listening and understanding the sensitivity of the matter, he came up with this
talk to that crap, Mr. Shakeel is a BASTARD!
That was the moment when Mr.
Shakeel stood still for a while and then he took out his cell phone and dialed
Mr. Mohsin’s number.

‘Be careful Mr. Shakeel……
‘Don’t worry I’m never going to
take your name.’ Mr. Shakeel. I guess he promised. And then over the phone with
Mr. Mohsin:
Again the moments were highly
entertaining. Musharaf and I almost ended up in tears: Tears of laughter and joy.
I picked up the work pace. I
never wanted to be a negative person but I always wanted to defend myself
properly and for that, Musharaf was teaching a lot. I was thankful to him. Later,
when we were done laughing over Mr. Shakeel’s/Mohsin’s issue I attended Mr.
Mohsin’s call and fulfilled the formality of reporting. RD kept calling me and
took the feedback with regular intervals. During all this we all forgot about
the runner, especially me.
It got late than 11 O’clock and
still the orders weren’t delivered to us. Both orders, the printouts and food.
We all were starving. I called the runner to check what is up at his side, which
was nothing except for waiting. The runner was waiting for other customers to
get the prints. But he sounded very normal over the situation. Mr. Shakeel was
continuously telling previous experiences with Mr. Mohsin. Musharaf was acting
as a witness during the conversation. The Finance Department was full of smoke.
The media guys were not involved in any of the tasks, they had to cater some
business that was completely related to Media Department. But there company was
more like a theatre; that too a local one. They were hilarious but I could not
participate in that conversation and the only option I was left with was to act
as an audience. It went great till the food arrived.
Chicken Karahi and Seekh Kabab.
Coke and Sprite. We had our so called dinner in the office lounge. The lounge
became a mess. Everyone attacked the food and Mr. Shakeel kept asking if anyone
wants to order more. The reason was Mr. Mohsin. Mr. Shakeel did not stop saying
that food is twice delicious because it is on Mr. Mohsin. So do not hesitate to
order more.
No body ordered more food. The
current order served everyone and still some food was left. After dinner things
got worse physically. I never got that sleepy in my life. The rest left after a
short while when we were done having dinner. Except for one media guy and one
tea boy from the kitchen. Even Mr. Shakeel left after having dinner. I asked
Musharaf if he is in a mood to have tea. That was necessary.
It was 12:45 am when the runner
arrived at our office. The four of us were having tea in the office lawn.
‘You have reached so early. You
can still take some more time.’ That was me, and when I said those words, I
felt something changing inside me. I usually don’t pass such sarcastic comments
to anyone, especially when you are meeting the other person for the very first
time. May be that was work, over work.
‘I can if you allow me, I can
leave right away without delivering you the printouts.’ That was runner and
what I replied to him I still kind of don’t believe that I came up with such a
reply that night:
The runner looked at me for a
while, then moved towards us, placed the printout package in front of Musharaf
and left the office premises without saying a word. I still regret about what I
did that time. I should have controlled but I couldn’t. Musharaf gave me a look
that wasn’t good at all. The other two guys were smiling over the stupid act.
Musharaf took the printouts
inside and started cutting them in the size of diary/calendar dummy. I sent
messages to my immediate boss and the RD regarding the status of work. The
guard shifted himself inside the office premises and locked his small hut
outside the gate where he spent the whole of his day. By the end, just Musharaf
and I were left in the office and guard was sleeping in the garage with one eye
open. We got the printouts but still the task was taking a lot of time. I was
recalling the whole day especially the time when I was assigned with this job.
Someone prayed may you don’t say Tahajjud prayers in office. And now, it was
time for Tahajjud prayers. Yeah, his Prayer wasn’t answered. I made myself
another cup of tea and when I was finished I called Musharaf from the office
‘How much more time you need?’
‘Sir, please come here.’ Musharaf’s
voice ringed of a problem.
‘I have cut the printouts in
size, now you please tell me the order.’ Musharaf.
‘Didn’t Natasha tell you and
explained you the order?’ I was about to die.
‘Yes sir she did but I did not
get her.’
‘Then you should have asked her
‘I did not want to, as she told
me that you also know the order.’
‘Who me? How could she say that?
I’m seeing this stupid diary/calendar for the very first time.’
‘Same here. But she told me that
you know the order of diary/calendar.’
‘I don’t know.’
‘Then please call.’ Musharaf
almost ordered. And I did not like that.
‘You see I cannot call Natasha as
you know its bloody 3:00 am.’ I was losing my temper.
‘You don’t get it, call Mr.
‘Mr. Mohsin just got married and
he must be……’ I stopped there and looked at Musharaf’s face. His serious face
was turning into a smile but not a proper one.
I took out my cell phone and
dialed Mr. Mohsin’s number. After three bells he picked up the phone and I was
surprised at his quick response.
‘Yes?’ Mr. Mohsin trying to stay
calm and cool. I was about to laugh at that time. But had to save it for later.
‘We have a problem, everything is
aligned except for the order of the diary/calendar.’ I started enjoying it.
‘What order?’ Mr. Mohsin did not
get it.
‘The order of pasting. I mean the
sequence. Musharaf is saying Natasha could not explain her well and she
informed Musharaf referring me that I know the sequence. And well, I don’t.’
‘Let me call Natasha.’
‘At this hour?’
‘Let me call you back in a
The conversation ended up in the
beginning of another waiting session.
‘You should start using your
brain right now because they are not going to help you.’ Musharaf pointed
towards the diary/calendar.
‘Because either Natasha might not
pick up the phone or she picks up the phone and they both end up having a
fight. Either ways you need to have a look here.’
Musharaf was serious, I folded up
my sleeves and started trying to get what is inside the diary/calendar. I felt as
if there is a huge heavy stone over my head. How can I be so dumb? That
question started revolving in my mind. It took me 15 minutes to locate the
cover page of the diary/calendar. Then the last back end page. I got to know for
the first time during whole of that task, basically it was just a diary that
contains a small calendar in it. When you open up a diary the left side shows
the design for the particular month with a short copy and the right side shows
the month, dates and the space to feed data. Otherwise, diary/calendar were two
different things for me till I got to know on my own. I put some more pressure
on my mind and then I observed that the same colour combination had been used
on the white layout under the dates that had been used on the left side. The
only difference was the tone. The tone was lighter on the right side and darker
on the left side. Like this I made the sequence of the diary/calendar and 12
months were completed. I felt so good when I got done with that. I showed
Musharaf and he patted my shoulder with a smile.
‘I knew the sequence and Natasha
made me understand real well.’ Musharaf was smiling.
When I heard this I really wanted
to beat up Musharaf. How could he do this at this hour of work? I could not
smile back and Musharaf gauged that I’m about to be very angry.
‘Sir, I did it on purpose. It
will help you in your career and learning; also, future dealings. Your job is
to get things done in time. But first, you should know the job by yourself. Otherwise
anyone can fool you. And the thing is, when something goes well the creative
team gets the reward and when any blunder happens then your department solely
appears at upfront level to tolerate the abusing session by the client. You
should know the content and for that you need to learn and gain the knowledge
of every department. Whether its design, copy, media, finance; you are
dependent on these departments but you also have to train yourself to be
independent. Knowledge is power, sir. Otherwise you will end up becoming
nothing but a postman.’ Musharaf was not smiling and he was real serious. At
that moment, I wondered that earlier I said to Musharaf never to trust his
‘Is there anything else you want
to teach me at this hour?’ I tried to be very calm and I really wanted to go
home and sleep. And that was the least sarcastic I could get with him. Plus,
Musharaf was so right, the difficult part, the learning part was over. In my
heart I was really thankful to him. But I preferred not to say anything else.
‘No sir, the rest of the job is
completely mine and that cannot be taught at this hour of work.’ He brought the
puncher, the ring binder, glue and a ruler and proceeded with the work. I
quietly came to the office lounge and sat at the sofa. I felt like I just
solved some jigsaw puzzle.
I started laughing after few
minutes. The reason was Mr. Mohsin asked me not to disturb him when he assigned
me this job. But things went the opposite way. The job was almost done all I
had to do was to wait for Musharaf to prepare the dummy. But there was still
one thing more to go with. I did not know the client’s address.
‘Yes sir.’
‘Do you know the client’s
‘Sir, call Mr. Mohsin.’
I dialed his number and he picked
up instantly.
‘Don’t tell me you still don’t
know the sequence of diary/calendar.’ Mr. Mohsin was trying to be cool in front
of his newly wedded wife.
‘I used my common sense and there
we go with the sequence,’ I replied.
‘Then why your common sense
suggested you to give me a call at 4:30 am?’ I could hear the gritting.
‘It’s just the client’s home
address you were supposed to text me in time but you didn’t, suggested me to
give you a call at 4:30 am.’ I tried to be funny.
‘Let me text you.’
‘Hahahahaha!’ I laughed out loud
when the call was over.
After 2 minutes I received a text
message from Mr. Mohsin with the home address of our beloved client.
‘How much time?’ I was loud.
‘Sir, dummy will take some time.
I’ll let you know when it’s done. Stay put. What did Mr. Mohsin say?’ As
Musharaf was in the other room so we both were kind of shouting during this
I told Musharaf about my
conversation over the phone with Mr. Mohsin.
And that was with what Musharaf
ended up. I asked Musharaf to wake me up when the job is done. I closed my eyes
and wanted to sleep. But I couldn’t sleep. I kept my eyes closed and put my
feet on the table. I felt exertion was diffusing off my body. It was nice but
the bad part was, I still had to go home and before going home I had to locate
and find out the client’s house and after handing him over the dummy.
‘Sir, you need to go to the
Masjid for your Fajr Prayers.’
‘What time it is?’ I could not
remember that time when I fell deeply into sleep and during sleep I completely
forgot where really I was. When I realized that this is still office, it turned
my mood off.
‘5:50 am.’
‘Is it done?’ I asked him
‘When you will be back we will
head home. Don’t worry.’ Musharaf winked.
I stepped outside my office and
asked the guard to open the gate. It was cold and dark. Real dark. I started my
car and revved the engine for a while. Then, I drove towards the Masjid, did
wuzu that was almost impossible and said the Prayers with few fellows and when
I was making dua I recalled one of the statements:
‘Haha….I don’t think so. I believe he’s going to say his Fajr Prayers in this very office. I’m sure,’
That was Aliya. She knew it. What
she said was true; or became true. Either ways I was the one to go through
this. I smiled and came out of the Masjid, came back to office and called
Musharaf from inside. This time there was no delay. He came out immediately and
asked me:
‘Sir please drop me at the main
I could not say no to him. On my
approval he hopped in the car and showed me the diary/calendar. Without looking
at it I just started the car and asked Musharaf:
‘Where do you live?’
Musharaf took a weird name that I
could not understand. I dropped him at the main signal and flied towards the
client’s place. It took me 5 minutes to locate the exact location of our client
after reaching my hometown. I parked the car outside his place and dialed his
number. The client did not pick up his phone. I was fed up. It was almost 7:30
am by now. I grabbed the diary/calendar in one hand rang the doorbell from the
other. Right after two minutes a young boy opened the door while he was still
in his sleep. I asked him about the client and the boy replied that he’s my
elder brother and also he’s sleeping right now. I just handed him over the
diary/calendar and asked him to pass him the package when wakes up. I walked
towards my car, took out my cell phone, created a text message of two words:
And sent it to my immediate boss
and the RD.
‘Take the day off.’
That was the reply from RD, as if
I was just going home to have some breakfast and then will head back to office.
Obviously my sleep time was about to start.
That was the most amazing feeling
when I saw that day, everyone getting ready and leaving for office and work and
I was the only one who was heading home. There might be someone else who had
the same experience that day but, I don’t think so. Physically, I was drained
that day when I parked my car in my porch. I entered my home and saw my mother.
After saying salam I told her that I’m going to sleep now. I changed my clothes
and jumped into my bed. I could not sleep.
It was like someone put a pot
full of water on a stove, a time came when it started boiling but nobody took
it off from the stove. All the water evaporated with the passing time and
finally the pot got burned all black.
Eyes Wide Open!